Any good resolutions for 2023? We all know they’re hard to maintain, so why not trying to implement small changes instead? If you want to rethink your LinkedIn approach, here are 5 easy ideas!
1/ Commenting more
Many creators agree: commenting is one of the most overlooked features of LinkedIn. Not generic comments with 1 or 2 words, but the ones adding value and creating a discussion. LinkedIn is encouraging it via its algorithm and new suggestions on how to begin your comments (”In my opinion…”, “What about…”).
If you want to be more active on LinkedIn and expand your network in 2023, commenting is a must!
2/ Customising your feed
“LinkedIn is the new Facebook” is a common remark we’ve heard last year. People are mainly complaining about the growth of posts with personal stories.
But there are ways to make your feed more relevant to you. The algorithm uses your activity (likes, comments, time spent on a post) to adjust your feed’s content. When you see posts that are not relevant, you can click “I don’t want to see this” or even mute/unfollow pages and contact.
You can also activate notifications (🔔) to make sure you don’t miss posts from your favorite creators or pages.

3/ Creating more authentic content
There’s a lot of similar content and even people stealing posts from the biggest influencers. Posts generated by AI tools like ChatGPT means there will be even more similar posts on LinkedIn (but AI can still be a great tool to get ideas, get a first draft…).
The good news is that it leaves room to differentiate with unique content. You can share your unique perspective, tell your story, write new ideas… all of these things that AI can’t create!
4/ Posting carousels (it’s getting easier!)
The carousel format is growing fast, and it will most likely continue this year. Until now, carousels were made from PDF files, created with tools like Canva.
LinkedIn is progressively rolling out a native feature to create carrousels from multiple pictures or videos. It makes it easier to create carousels, without necessarily using an external tool. It also looks better, you can see an example below. I don’t have access to it yet, but hopefully, it will come soon!

5/ Testing new features
LinkedIn is continuously adding new features to improve our experience and keep us engaged. You can usually see these innovations being tested by the members of the LinkedIn for Creators program, who get early access to new features. The recent ones include:
- Links on pictures and videos (via the mobile app): where should we add external links? It seems like there’s no magic answer to that, but LinkedIn added a new option. It’s now possible to add links as stickers on pictures and videos, and you can even add multiple links (it can be used to curate news or link to a podcast episode on multiple platforms, for example)
- Post scheduling: most social media platforms (Instagram, Twitter…) are offering native scheduling features, and LinkedIn is joining the club. The feature is progressively rolled out, making it possible to schedule your posts without using a third-party tool.
- Newsletters: you can now create your newsletter natively on LinkedIn. It can be a nice way to share news if you want to write regularly, without worrying about finding another platform.
- Audio events: LinkedIn enables users to host events based on audio-only, similar to Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces.
Testing these features can help you stand out and are usually favored by the algorithm. So if you have access, make sure to try!
Are there any ideas you want to try? Do you have other suggestions?